Financial Foundations - Unit 2

Welcome to Unit 2 of the Both/And Finance Financial Foundations Course
ICYMI, you can find Unit 1 here and the Course Intro here.
To begin Unit 2... use the link below to create a copy of the Unit 2 Activities Checklist. Save this checklist to your course folder and use it to track your progress throughout the unit.
Next, proceed through the videos and activities on the rest of this page.
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P.S. I'm not asking that you continue as a paid subscriber forever, but I would really appreciate it if you could contribute during the period that you are using the course. Thanks again!
2.0 - Unit 2 Intro Video
2.1 - Looking Ahead
Resources mentioned in the above video:
The Resilient Investor: A Plan for Your Life, Not Just Your Money by Bill, Kramer and Peck
2.2 - Forecasting
Resources mentioned in the above video:
Wealth Supremacy: How the Extractive Economy and the Biased Rules of Capitalism Drive Today's Crises by Marjorie Kelly
Social Security Quick Calculator at
2.2 Optional - 2 Person Financial Fcst Spreadsheet Walkthrough
2.2 Optional - Additional Data Re: Retirement Forecasting
Resources mentioned in the above video:
Additional Data Re: Retirement Forecasting (google doc)
2.3 - Cash Flow Review
2.3 Optional - Cash Flow Review Walkthrough
Resources mentioned in the above video:
Some More Cash Flow and Budgeting Resources (google doc)
2.4 - Reflecting on Enough
Resources mentioned in the above video:
Moneyzen: The Secret to Finding Your "Enough" by Manisha Thakor
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If you appreciate this content, I hope you will consider becoming a monthly supporter here or making a one-time contribution in any amount here.
Thank you for pitching in if you are able. Your support helps keep Both/And Finance sustainable for the long run.
P.S. I'm not asking that you continue as a paid subscriber forever, but I would really appreciate it if you could contribute during the period that you are using the course. Thanks again!
Up Next...
Click here to proceed to Unit 3: Investment Portfolios
Congrats on completing Unit 2!